Yahoo Hosted Search

Yahoo Hosted Search (YHS) provides partners with a complete solution for a powerful, scalable search experience for users. YHS is hosted by Yahoo, but offers partners some flexibility to optimize their experience for user engagement and revenue. It is currently available in over 30 countries.
YHS is a scalable solution that allows partners to:
- Offer a rich search experience for users, that is hosted by Yahoo and on par with, in over 30 countries with no serving costs for partners
- Optimize the look and feel of the search results page for user experience and revenue
- Easily track revenue and metrics via the Partner Insights tool
- Access 24/7 technical support
A few of the benefits of YHS include:
- Yahoo's first class user intent detection technology, so that only the most relevant results are returned
- Robust set of features at par with Yahoo web search, including image modules, structured content, search refiners and more
- Ability to route users to a fully-hosted Yahoo search results page or to call for the co-branded Yahoo search results page within an iFrame
- Cost savings from not needing to deploy and maintain the partner's own search platform
There are several ways partners can leverage YHS, including Fully Hosted YHS, YHS iFrame and YHS for DNS.
Fully Hosted Yahoo Hosted Search
Fully Hosted YHS provides partners with a co-branded and customizable Yahoo search experience available across PC, tablet and mobile devices.
Yahoo Hosted Search iFrame
YHS iFrame can be added to any approved partner web page across platforms. It provides a customizable Yahoo search experience, but with the partner's own branding, header and footer.
Yahoo Hosted Search DNS Search
YHS DNS Search leverages our industry leading technology to offer users sponsored and algorithmic listings in the case of a "Page Not Found" message. This allows partners to monetize their error traffic while delivering an exceptional user experience. YHS DNS Search is customizable and available on desktop (mobile coming soon).