
Callout Extensions

Note: Verizon Media is now known as Yahoo.

Callout Extensions highlight a website's products or deals with an extra snippet of code. Advertisers can enable 2-4 callouts per line, and the text cannot repeat what is already included in the ad. A list of phrases will be sent that partners need to concatenate with a space - ● - space, like in the example.

Callout extension example

Results: Some partners have seen an estimated lift of +1.7% CTR and +2.1% RPM when combined with Review Extensions and 4th Line Annotations. Results may vary.

Markets: NAR, EMEA, APAC

Parameter: "adEnableCalloutExtension" (case sensitive)


More insights


Consumer Ratings

Show off rave reviews alongside your search ads potentially increasing CTR.


Image Extension

Posting a small image next to an ad is a great way to get noticed.


Official Site Badge

Some Partners have seen a +2% CTR lift from this badge, displayed next to your ad headline.