
Local Ad Extensions

Note: Verizon Media is now known as Yahoo.

Local Ad Extensions are utilized so if a user is near an advertiser's business location, extended local attributes can be added to the ad to increase interest. This can include the address and phone number of the business.

Advertisers can provide multiple business locations as "Location Extensions" at the campaign level, and each business location can have an individual phone number.

Results: Some partners have seen an estimated lift of +5-6% CTR. Results may vary.

Markets: NAR (US, CA), EMEA (UK, IE, FR, DE, IT, ES, AT, CH, NO, SE, DK, FI)

Parameter (for Domain Match / Error as well):
"LocalAds=Mixed" (case sensitive)
"LocalAds=LocalOnly" is obsolete, but will return the same as "Mixed."

Related Case Study: Learn how our partner, Barefruit, used Local Ad Extensions to increase CTR by +11% and increase RPM by +12% here.


More insights


Consumer Ratings

Show off rave reviews alongside your search ads potentially increasing CTR.


Image Extension

Posting a small image next to an ad is a great way to get noticed.


Official Site Badge

Some Partners have seen a +2% CTR lift from this badge, displayed next to your ad headline.