
Long Ad Titles

Note: Verizon Media is now known as Yahoo.

Long Ad Titles (LAT) is a feature that displays longer ad titles to attract the user's attention, thus boosting CTR. Long Ad Titles will add the domain name or part of the description to the original ad title.

Long Ad Titles can be up to 62 characters long, while original ad titles can only be up to 25 characters. If the page is a traditional SERP, this feature will only show on the top 4 search ads to create differentiation. Long Ad Titles will not show in the east rail due to limited space. If an ad includes an Official Site Badge, it will not be able to include a Long Ad Title due to space constraints.

Results: Some partners have seen an estimated lift of +5-7% CTR. Results may vary.

Markets: NAR (US, CA), EMEA (UK, IE, FR, DE, IT, ES, AT, CH, NO, SE, DK, FI, NL), LATAM (BR, MX, AR, CO, CL, PE, VE), IN, APAC

Parameter: "&longAdsTitle=1" (case sensitive).To call for both long ad titles and original ad titles, use "&longAdsTitle=2".


More insights


Consumer Ratings

Show off rave reviews alongside your search ads potentially increasing CTR.


Image Extension

Posting a small image next to an ad is a great way to get noticed.


Official Site Badge

Some Partners have seen a +2% CTR lift from this badge, displayed next to your ad headline.