
Merchant Ratings

Note: Verizon Media is now known as Yahoo.

Merchant Ratings are star ratings plus the number of reviews for advertiser. It's an aggregation of experiences from past customers with certain business details, which can help potential customers make a buying decision with reduced risk.

Merchant Ratings are provided by approved third-party merchant aggregator sites. This feature will only be returned for advertisers who have at least 20 reviews with at least 3.8 stars on one of these sites.

Example of how merchant ratings display in Yahoo search results

Results: Some partners have seen an estimated lift of +10-15% CTR. Results may vary.

Parameter: "adEnableMerchRating=1" (case sensitive)


More insights


Consumer Ratings

Show off rave reviews alongside your search ads potentially increasing CTR.


Image Extension

Posting a small image next to an ad is a great way to get noticed.


Official Site Badge

Some Partners have seen a +2% CTR lift from this badge, displayed next to your ad headline.